
2023-05-08 10:44:57 来源:互联网

2. rather than



This pair of shoes is comfortable rather than pretty. 这双鞋与其说是漂亮,不如说是舒服。

John is a doctor rather than a teacher.与其说约翰是个老师,不如说他是个医生。

(2)接名词或代词,可表示"而不是"的意思,相当于短语instead of或in place of。I, rather than he, should be responsible for this failure. 该对这次失败负责的是我,而不是他。

(3)接动词原形,表示"而不是"Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他将蔬菜半价卖掉,而不是让菜坏掉。

3. or rather,表示"更确切地说",起进一步解释说明的作用。

She worked as a secretary, or rather, a personal assistant. 她当了秘书,确切地讲,是私人助理。

4. not ... but rather ... 表示"不是……,相反(而是)……"

Their problem is not a lack of funding, but rather a lack of planning. 他们的问题不是缺乏资金,而是缺乏规划。

5. rather than 与prefer 连用,表示"宁愿做……而不愿做……"

(1)prefer to do ... rather than do ...,如:

They prefer to repeat their former experiences rather than take new risks.


(2)prefer +名词... rather than +名词,替代prefer ... to的用法,如:

I should prefer wine rather than beer. 我宁愿喝红酒而不愿喝啤酒。



1. —Shall we go skating or stay at home?

—Which _____ do?

A. do you rather

B. would you rather

C. will you rather

D. should you rather

2. Rather than ______ by bus, he prefers ______ there.

A. go; walk

B. going; walk

C. go; to walk

D. to go; walking

3. Some patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by "drugs" that aren’t really drugs at all ______ sugar pills that contain non-active chemical elements.

A. or rather

B. but rather

C. rather than

D. other than

4. As he was late, he had to quickly walk ______ run to his office.

A. rather than

B. more than

C. or rather

D. other than

5. Yoga exercise is _______ difficult for a new beginner like me.

A. fairly

B. prefer

C. rather than

D. rather

6. I would rather that she _____ with her friends than stay alone in holidays.

A. travel by train

B. traveled by train

C. travels by train

D. traveling by train

7. This book is instructive ______ interesting.

A. than

B. more than

C. rather than

D. but rather


1. B。句意:——我们是去溜冰还是呆在家里?——你更愿意做什么?分析:根据句意,应用would rather搭配表示“宁可,宁愿”的含义,故选B。

2. C。句意:他宁愿步行去那儿,也不愿坐公共汽车。分析:该句考查的是prefer to do ... rather than do ...结构,本句中rather than 提前。符合此类搭配的只有C选项。

3. B。句意:一些遭受严重疼痛的病人可以得到“药物”的帮助,但不是真正的药物而是含有非活性化学成分的糖衣片。分析:该句考查的是not ... but rather ...结构,用来表示“不是……而是……”。A 选项or rather表示“更确切地说”;C选项rather than 表示“宁可”;D选项other than表示“除了……之外,还有”,如:Other than that, what else do you know about him?(除了那个,关于他你还了解什么?)。因此只有B项合适。

4. C。句意:由于他迟到了,他不得不快点走,更确切地说,跑到办公室。分析:该句考查的是or rather 的用法,其可用来连接前后两个对等成分。句中它连接了walk与run,表示“更确切地说”。

5. D。句意:瑜伽对于像我这样的初学者来说颇难。分析:该句考查的是rather 与其同义词的区分。rather than和prefer均不符句意。fairly可以表示“颇,相当”的含义,但它常用来修饰带有肯定意味或褒义的形容词,而rather在表达这一含义时,却是通常与较负面和贬义的形容词搭配,difficult正是这样的形容词。故本题选D。

6. B。句意:我宁可她假期和朋友坐火车旅行也不愿她独自呆着。分析:该句考查的是would rather (that) 接从句的用法,would rather 之后出现的从句必须使用虚拟语气。该从句表示的是对将来情况的假设,从句应该用一般过去时,因此正确答案为B。

7. C。句意:与其说这本书有趣,不如说这本书有教育意义。分析:该句考查的是rather than 连接形容词的用法,表示“与其……,不如……”。A选项than是比较级的连接词,必须使用more ... than结构;B选项more than含义是“十分”,如: I am more than happy to see you.(见到你我十分高兴。),more than 的另一种形式more ... than连接形容词,可以表示“与其……不如”,因此该句可以改写为:This book is more instructive than interesting;D选项(but rather)与否定连用,表示“不是……而是”,该句中没有否定词,不符合。因此只有C选项正确。

关键词: 形容词
x 广告
x 广告

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